This article covers how to delete the draft timesheets from Xero after you have processed a payroll from ClubsHR.

Occasionally, you may need to delete a draft timesheet in Xero. If you're getting an error that a "Draft Timesheet already exists" you can follow the steps below. It's also good to know how to delete them in general. 

Go to your Xero account and under the "Payroll" tab in the "Timesheets" section, select the date range of the pay-run. All draft timesheets should appear. 

You will need to delete each of these draft timesheets, one at a time (sorry!).

Click on a draft timesheet, and then click "Delete Timesheet".

If you need further assistance, reach out to our Customer Support Team We're always happy to chat! 

Further Reading

Common Xero Errors on ClubsHR and How to Solve Them