This article covers how an admin or owner can give an employee managerial rights for a specific site only within the ClubsHR web app.

Please note this functionality is only available from the ClubsHR web app.

ClubsHR allows you to assign managers individually for sites. These employees will have access, via their ClubsHR login, to roster and approve payroll hours for that site. 
If the account has multiple sites the employee can be the manager of just one site or multiple.


1. Select a site


Click on the sites tab then click on the site you want to assign managers to.

2. Click managers


A popup window will appear with tabs along the top, click the Managers tab then click the plus button next to ‘managers at (site name) ClubsHR Cafe’

3. Select managers


Click on the manager you want to add or hold down shift to select multiple people who will have managerial access to this site.

4. Repeat for assistant managers


Once you have selected the staff they will appear below the ‘managers at ClubsHR Cafe (site name)’ Click on the Assistants tab and repeat the process for adding assistant managers.

Further Reading

How do I add a new employee to my account?

How do I delete an employee from my account?

What Permission Levels are Available in ClubsHR?