This article covers how Owners, Admins, Managers and Assistants can copy shifts from one day to another while creating a roster within ClubsHR.
Please note this functionality is not available from the ClubsHR iOS and Android apps.
Copying a whole day worth of shifts to another day is a great way to save time when rostering. For example, if you have added shifts to a Tuesday and the same or similar shifts are reoccurring on another day, you can copy all the shifts from Tuesday to another day with two clicks.
1. Add shifts and click copy
Add in the shifts for the day, then click on the day/date to copy those shifts.
2. Click to paste
Click on the new day you want to copy the shifts to. A pop-up window will appear to confirm you want to copy the shifts across. Click okay, and the shifts will appear on the new day. From here, you can still edit the shifts you have just copied.
Further Reading
How can I clear/delete a roster and start again?
How can I colour code my roster to make it more visual?