This article covers how to troubleshoot common issues with ClubsHR integration with Xero. 

Are you having troubles processing payroll in ClubsHR or difficulty getting information across to Xero? Although we automate as much of the process as possible, there can be a few hiccups if the accounts are not matching on both sides.

The following error messages are the most common ones we come across. Have a look below and run through the quick guides to solve your challenge and get back to Processing Payroll.


This issue can come about when the employee details are different in ClubsHR than they are in Xero. Make sure to match the spelling, characters, and case (upper / lower) that you have used in Xero, in ClubsHR.

This can be caused if there are multiple copies of the same staff member in Xero. To solve this problem, remove the duplicate staff member from Xero and contact the support team at ClubsHR. We will manually disconnect the double from our end, and the system will automatically relink the staff member correctly.

Lastly, this issue can also be caused when using Xero, and a staff member works across multiple sites linked to multiple Xero entities. If you have this issue, please contact the customer support team.

Your payroll cannot be processed because your payroll cycle in ClubsHR does not match your payroll cycle in Xero. For instance, one may be set as weekly and the other as fortnightly. 


Your payroll cannot be processed because your ClubsHR Payroll Cycle is set to weekly, but your Xero account's Payroll Cycle is set to fortnightly. Payroll Cycle Solution Available Here

If you have multiple payroll calendars in Xero, this can also cause an issue. Please check all staff (active and inactive) are set to the same payroll calendar. Payroll Calendar Detail Solution Here.

There is an employee on your Xero account missing the earnings rate XXXX. 

To solve this issue, please ensure that all staff are assigned the same pay items in Xero that are used in the pay template that is assigned to them in ClubsHR. This can often occur when changes are made in Xero but not manually reflected in ClubsHR, e.g. Pay Rate Change, Award Change, etc.


Your payroll cannot be processed due to "Missing Pay Calendar" error. This will need to be fixed in your Xero account. Missing Pay Calendar Solution Available Here.


Your payroll cannot be processed due to "Missing Ordinary Hours Rate" error. This will need to be fixed in your Xero account. Ordinary Hours Rate Solution Available Here.


Your payroll cannot be processed because you already have a draft timesheet in Xero for the pay run, which will need to be deleted. Draft Xero Time Sheet Solution Available Here.

Provided period doesn't correspond with a pay period. Pay Period Solution Available Here.

TrackingItemID is Required for each Timesheet Line. TrackingItemID Solution Available Here.

For any other challenges or an error we've not heard of before, please just get in touch with our customer service team, and we will be ready to help.

Further Reading

What needs to be setup In Xero before I can process a payroll?