#ClubsHR Product Update - November 2022

Ok ok... This month's a good one. We've been quietly working away on various exciting features, but this month, I want to focus solely on Open Shifts and Shift Swap bidding.

These features have many similarities, but both stand strong on their own with benefits that you will love and your staff will too.

##Shift Swap (bidding)

Clubs - Request Shift Swap.png

In ClubsHR, staff have been able to swap shifts for a long time. So, for instance, Joe sees a newly published roster notification on his smartphone. He jumps in to check out his shifts and realises he forgot to ask for Wednesday off for some personal matters, and now he has a shift smack bang in the middle of the day. He clicks on the shift and requests a swap. Automatically an email goes to all the staff that can work the same rostered position at the site. Then it would be a race for the fastest person to claim the shift (subject to management approval).

However, now, multiple staff can nominate themselves for the shift and management can decide on one of the available candidates to fill the shift. Alternatively, managers can also pick someone else or decline the swap. In all circumstances, ClubsHR will notify the staff member that requested the change, any staff that nominated themselves, and the successfully swapped person of the outcome. All this can occur with less than a minute spent on the task by a manager.

##Open Shifts

Clubs - Select Employee - Open Shift.png

Open shifts are a brand-new feature that I know everyone will love. With Open Shifts, you can publish a roster with shifts which you haven't selected a staff member for. Those shifts are emailed to staff and they can nominate themselves for the shift. Management can review the available candidates and select someone for the shift or select someone else if required.

##Meal Allowances

Clubs - Payroll - Meal Allowance Managers.png

We're very excited to announce Meal Allowances in accordance with the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award.

The meal allowance roll out will allow payroll staff to pay or not pay the meal allowance based on staff and managers award entitlements.

The meal allowance tool was designed to automate and help your club manage the scenarios below with ease:

  • Where due to operational requirements an employee is unable to consume a free meal, the employee will be paid an allowance of $14.40 per meal.
  • An employer and an employee may agree in writing that an allowance of $14.40 per meal will be paid instead of the provision of a free meal to the employee.
  • Where a club does not provide a meal for members, the employee will be entitled to an allowance of $14.40 per meal.

##HR Documents (Coming Soon)

Clubs - HR Document Management - Coming Soon.png

You may notice a new tab at the top of your ClubsHR account. We were a bit too excited and decided to throw a teaser in the web app to share what we have coming. HR Documents will allow you to store all relevant documents that you need to send to staff throughout their employment. I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

##Until Next Month

Thanks again for joining us with our monthly update. We are on the home stretch to the end of 2022. So stay tuned each month, and we look forward to letting you know what's happening at ClubsHR.